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Metso Railcar positioner - rack and pinion

Product Feature
Track grade, curve and indexing speed are the most prominent factors influencing positioner system design.
Metso’s rack and pinion positioner handles:
- Maximum train weights up to 31,000 tonnes (34,000 tons US)
- Pulling forces up to 177 kilogram-force (390,000 lbf. US)
- Hauling speed up to 0.75 m/s (2.5 ft/s US)
When combined with our railcar dumper, the complete system provides fast dependable train turnaround requiring only one operator.
- Faster cycle times due to more accurate car spotting. No rope stretch.
- Additional drives can be added to the carriage in the future should trains with heavier railcars result in additional pulling force requirements.
- Less foundation requirements by eliminating the off-board rope drive foundation.
- The train positioner may work in conjunction with train holding devices, such as a holding arm, wheel clamps or wheel chocks.