Product Feature
1, with excellent efficiency and excellent value for money;
2, simple operation, compact and flexible, easy to transport, energy in a small space operations;
3, the standard configuration can flat ground blade, earth backfill, increase machine stability;
4, with mining, crushing, clean hook, drilling, bulldozing versatile, quick-change attachments, machine utilization is increased.
Product Parameter
分类 | Classification | 单位 | 标准 |
发动机功率 | Engine power | KW | 20 |
发动机额定转速 | Rated engine speed | Rpm | 2200 |
液压系统压力 | Hydraulic system pressure | Mpa | 18 |
定量泵 | Dosing pumps | L/min | 2X28+20 |
最大挖掘力 | Maximum digging force | KN | 18 |
爬坡度 | Gradeability | - | 45 |
接地比压 | Ground pressure | Kpa | 30 |
行走速度 | Walking speed | Km/h | 2.7 |
最大牵引力 | Engine power | KN | 20 |
平台回转速度 | Rated engine speed | Rpm | 13 |
总长 | A The total length | 4500mm |
总高 | B Total height | 2250mm |
整机宽度 | C Overall width | 1460mm |
履带宽度 | D Track width | 280mm |
平台回转半径 | E Platform radius of gyration | 1350mm |
履带长度 | F Track Length | 1800mm |
轮距 | G Tread | 1400mm |
离地高度 | H Ground Clearance | 238mm |
动臂端总高 | I The total height of the boom end | 1600mm |
平台外宽 | J Outside the platform width | 1160mm |
发动机罩高度 | K Hood height | 1280mm |
平台离地高度 | L Platform height above ground | 515mm |
最大挖掘高度 | A Maximum digging height | 4350mm |
最大卸载高度 | B Maximum unloading height | 2860mm |
最大挖掘深度 | C Maximum digging depth | 2980mm |
最大挖掘半径 | D Maximum digging radius | 4900mm |
最大地面水平挖掘距离 | D1 Maximum digging reach at ground level | 4560mm |
最大挖掘高度挖掘半径 | E Digging radius of maximum digging height | 3050mm |
最小回转半径 | F The minimum turning radius | 2100mm |
推土铲最大铲斗深度 | G The maximum depth of the bucket dozer | 290mm |
推土铲最大抬起高度 | H Maximum lift height dozer | 270mm |